Сказка о язычке на английском видео

Once upon a time, in a magical land far far away, there was a little tongue named Tilly. Tilly was a very special tongue because she lived inside a little girl named Lily's mouth. Tilly loved living inside Lily's mouth because Lily was always eating delicious food and drinking yummy drinks. Tilly loved tasting all the different flavors, from sweet to sour, spicy to salty.

One day, Tilly was feeling very adventurous and decided she wanted to explore the world beyond Lily's mouth. She asked Lily if she could go on an adventure and Lily gave her permission, but warned her to be careful.

So Tilly set out on her adventure, and soon found herself outside of Lily's mouth, in a big open field full of grass and flowers. Tilly was amazed at all the beautiful colors and scents around her. She skipped and hopped through the field, touching different flowers and tasting the different tastes of the nectar.

But soon, Tilly realized that she couldn't communicate with any of the creatures she met along the way. She met a tiny bird who chirped at her, but she couldn't understand what the bird was trying to say. She met a little rabbit who hopped by, but she couldn't understand what the rabbit was saying either.

Tilly felt lost and alone, wishing she could talk to the creatures around her. Just then, she saw a wise old turtle making his way towards her.

"Hello, little tongue," said the wise turtle. "What brings you out here all by yourself?"

"I wanted to explore the world and see new things," said Tilly. "But I can't communicate with anyone. I feel like I don't belong here."

The wise old turtle smiled. "You belong here just as much as anyone else, little tongue. The only thing holding you back is your own language."

"My language?" asked Tilly, confused.

"Yes," said the wise turtle. "You see, each creature in this world speaks a different language. You speak the language of your mouth, while the bird speaks the language of the air and the rabbit speaks the language of the earth. But there is one language that all creatures can understand, and that is the language of kindness."

Tilly thought about what the wise turtle had said, and suddenly, she felt a warm glow inside her. She realized that she didn't need to speak the language of the creatures around her to be kind and friendly towards them. She smiled at the little rabbit and giggled when the tiny bird chirped at her. She even hugged the wise old turtle.

And to her surprise, she found that the creatures around her understood her kindness perfectly. They didn't need to speak the same language to understand that she was friendly and kind.

Tilly was overjoyed. She had discovered that kindness was the universal language, and that she could communicate with any creature she met as long as she showed them kindness and love.

She returned back to Lily's mouth, happy and content. Though she loved exploring the world beyond, she realized that she belonged inside Lily's mouth with all her friends. She learned that sometimes, the greatest adventures are found within ourselves, and that kindness is the key to unlock them.
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